Predator Turned Prey!

Plus: Watch Baby Osprey's

Good Morning 🍃 This week’s wildlife stories bring surprises and heartwarming moments. Orcas are now hunting large sharks, even great whites. Watch baby ospreys via the Pitkin County Osprey Cam for a nature break. Elementary students in Washington monitor wildlife through trail cameras. A TikTok video shows a deer warning of an approaching bear. Hikers in Las Vegas discover a mysterious reflective monolith. Dive into these intriguing tales!

When you think of the ocean’s top predator, you might think of the great white shark. Great whites can be up to 20 feet long, and they’re impressive predators. But there’s another sheriff in town, a top predator that can take down even a white shark—the orca.

For those days when you want to be outside but you’re stuck inside, here’s a good way to take a nature break. Keep a live-streaming wildlife camera open in a tab on your computer, or keep it open on your phone’s browser and watch it when you’re bored (instead of doom scrolling on social media). One option is the 2024 Pitkin County Osprey Cam, which shows a live view of a mom osprey and her three chicks in a nest. The chicks look like adorable baby dinosaurs.

We’ve discovered the most wholesome montage ever—footage of baby animals and other highlights from an elementary school’s network of trail cameras in the Washington wilderness. Students at Beaver Valley Elementary School in Leavenworth, Washington get to monitor the trail cameras placed around the central Cascade Mountains throughout each school year as part of an ongoing project.Read More

Gloria Louthan (@nobohobos) says a deer in her backyard tried to warn her that a black bear was coming in a recent TikTok video. “You see [the deer] stomping? She’s letting me know that a black bear is coming,” Louthan says.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) said it sees “a lot of weird things when people go out hiking,” but nothing touches this—a random reflective monolith in the middle of a Las Vegas hiking trail. How did it get there? Why is it there? And what is it, exactly?

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